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公司名称: Anping Jiasheng Metal Products Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 河北  
成立日期: 2005 
注册资金: 100万 - 250万 
员工数量: 51 - 100 人 
年销售额: 500万 - 1000万 
主要产品: 电焊网,网格布,钢筋网,勾花网,护栏网,石笼网  
Anping County Jiasheng Metal Products Co.,Ltd. is a China supplier involved in wire production activities from wire drawing, galvanizing, zinc coating, annealing all the way to cutting to sizes and other processing services.

We offer export-grade galvanized wire, iron wire, carbon steel wire and spring wire for construction, fencing, weaving, binding and other industrial applications. To ensure the quality of our products, we use the most advanced production and test machines in China. We check both the physical and chemical properties of our products like the chemical composition, wire diameter tolerance, tensile strength, etc. Wires we offer can be wound around spools or into coils of a wide range of weight. Single coil package can reach maximum 2203LB.

Our expertise in the wire industry is well known among our customers. You are welcome to contact us with your requirements. 
Anping Jiasheng Metal Products Co.,Ltd / 河北 / 河北省衡水市安平县 (053600) / 电话:0318-8066095

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